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Ethics Code

Counselling > Ethics Code

Center For Abuse and Trauma Therapy Inc. Code of Ethics

All of the therapists working at the Centre for Abuse and Trauma Therapy Inc. must agree, by signature, to abide by this Code of Ethics. 


The Code of Ethics focuses on 5 key areas:

A) Non-Exploitation in Therapeutic Relationships

A non-exploitative therapeutic relationship means that the therapist will not exploit relationships with clients for any personal, social or financial advantage. Therapists will not enlist a client’s abilities, expertise nor cooperation in matters unrelated to the course of therapy. The therapist will not use any language or behaviour that demeans or humiliates clients. The therapist will not accept as clients, persons with whom they have had a prior sexual relationship, or who are family members and the therapist will not enter into, nor promise, another personal, professional or financial relationship with clients. If a therapist finds that a potentially harmful relationship exists or, has arisen, the therapist will attempt to resolve the situation with primary regard to the best interests of the client or former client and this will be appropriately reported to the Centre.

B) Ethical Responsibility to Clients

The therapist’s primary responsibility is to clients. The therapist must always work with the best interests of the clients in mind. They must serve clients with the maximum application of professional skill and competence. The therapist should only accept clients in accordance with the therapist’s expertise in that client’s problems. If during the course of therapy, the therapist discovers that the client has problems that are outside of the therapist expertise, the therapist will acknowledge such to the client and make suitable arrangements with another therapist if the client so wishes.The therapist must terminate service to clients when such service is no longer required or no longer serve the clients’ needs or well-being.

C) Confidentiality

The therapist must respect the privacy of clients, including their identity, and hold in confidence all information obtained in the course of therapy, except for a) the legal duty to warn to prevent clear and immediate danger to someone, b) or as directed by clients, in writing, for their benefit, c) or as mandated by law to report when the therapist is given information that a child is in danger, d) or when the client’s suicide is a present, immediate danger.

D) Competence and Professional Development

Therapists are responsible for the quality and extent of their service. Therapists should keep themselves informed of new therapeutic information and to participate in ongoing professional development. Therapists have responsibility for their own emotional, mental and physical health. Whenever personal matters arise that could compromise their work, they will take whatever steps are necessary, including procuring individual therapy and/or consultation, to protect their clients from being adversely affected.

E. Scholarship and Research

The therapist engaged in study and research should be guided by the conventions of scholarly inquiry and should protect participants from unwarranted physical or mental discomfort, distress, harm, danger, or deprivation. The therapist who engages in the evaluation of services or cases should discuss them only for professional purposes and only with persons directly and professionally concerned with them. The therapist engaged in research should ascertain that the consent of participant in the research is voluntary and informed, without any implied deprivation or penalty for refusal to participate, and with due regard for participants’ privacy and dignity.

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